ChatGPT Code Interpreter
ChatGPT 代码解释器是一个多功能 ChatGPT Plugin,可以用自然语言生成和执行代码,通过编码实现各种任务。
- 目前主要支持Python。
- Code Interpreter 中可用的 Python 包
- 可以上传最大100MB的文件,这些文件可以是压缩形式
- 不能联网
- 它降低了 LLM 幻觉和虚构率。当AI直接使用Python代码时,代码有助于保持其“诚实”
上传 CSV/XLS 文件
向 AI 提问,举例:
- “你能做可视化和描述性分析来帮助我理解数据吗?”
- “你能尝试回归并寻找模式吗?”
- “你能运行回归诊断吗?”
- 音频文件格式转换
- 电子书转换
- What AI can do with a toolbox... Getting started with Code Interpreter 推荐
- ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Create Data Visualizations with No Code
- ChatGPT Code Interpreter plugin | WePC
- ChatGPT Code Interpreter: The Future of Interactive AI and Programming - DEV Community
支持的 Python 库
库名名称 | 库说明 |
absl-py | |
affine | |
aiohttp | |
aiosignal | |
analytics-python | |
anyio | |
anytree | Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure with various plugins |
argcomplete | |
argon2-cffi | |
argon2-cffi-bindings | |
arviz | Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models |
asttokens | Annotate AST trees with source code positions |
async-timeout | |
attrs | |
audioread | multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding |
Babel | |
backcall | |
backoff | |
backports.zoneinfo | |
basemap | |
basemap-data | |
bcrypt | |
beautifulsoup4 | |
bleach | |
blinker | |
blis | |
bokeh | |
branca | |
Brotli | |
cachetools | |
cairocffi | |
CairoSVG | |
camelot-py | |
catalogue | |
certifi | |
cffi | |
chardet | |
charset-normalizer | |
click | |
click-plugins | |
cligj | |
cloudpickle | |
cmudict | |
comm | |
compressed-rtf | |
countryinfo | |
cryptography | |
cssselect2 | |
cycler | |
cymem | |
dbus-python | |
debugpy | |
decorator | |
defusedxml | |
deprecat | |
dill | |
distro-info | |
dlib | |
dnspython | |
docx2txt | |
ebcdic | |
EbookLib | |
einops | |
email-validator | |
entrypoints | |
et-xmlfile | |
exceptiongroup | |
exchange-calendars | |
executing | |
extract-msg | |
Faker | Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. |
fastapi | |
fastjsonschema | |
fastprogress | |
ffmpeg-python | |
ffmpy | |
filelock | |
Fiona | |
Flask | |
Flask-CacheBuster | |
Flask-Cors | |
Flask-Login | |
folium | |
fonttools | |
fpdf | |
frozenlist | |
future | |
fuzzywuzzy | |
gensim | |
geographiclib | |
geopandas | |
geopy | |
gradio | |
graphviz | |
gTTS | |
h11 | A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 |
h2 | |
h5netcdf | |
h5py | |
hpack | |
html5lib | |
httpcore | |
httptools | |
httpx | |
hypercorn | |
hyperframe | |
idna | |
imageio | |
imageio-ffmpeg | |
IMAPClient | |
imgkit | Wkhtmltopdf python wrapper to convert html to image using the webkit rendering engine and qt |
importlib-metadata | |
importlib-resources | |
iniconfig | |
ipykernel | |
ipython | |
ipython-genutils | |
isodate | |
itsdangerous | |
jax | |
jedi | |
Jinja2 | |
joblib | |
json5 | |
jsonpickle | |
jsonschema | |
jsonschema-specifications | |
jupyter-client | |
jupyter-core | |
jupyter-server | |
jupyterlab | |
jupyterlab-pygments | |
jupyterlab-server | |
keras | |
kerykeion | |
kiwisolver | |
korean-lunar-calendar | |
librosa | |
llvmlite | |
loguru | |
lxml | |
markdown2 | |
markdownify | |
MarkupSafe | |
matplotlib | |
matplotlib-inline | |
matplotlib-venn | |
mistune | |
mizani | |
mne | |
monotonic | |
moviepy | |
mpmath | |
mtcnn | |
multidict | |
munch | |
murmurhash | |
mutagen | |
nashpy | |
nbclassic | |
nbclient | |
nbconvert | |
nbformat | |
nest-asyncio | |
networkx | |
nltk | |
notebook | |
notebook-shim | |
numba | |
numexpr | |
numpy | |
numpy-financial | |
odfpy | |
olefile | |
opencv-python | |
openpyxl | |
opt-einsum | |
orjson | |
packaging | |
pandas | |
pandocfilters | |
paramiko | |
parso | |
pathy | |
patsy | |
pdf2image | A simple CLI app that combines images to a single .pdf |
pdfkit | Wkhtmltopdf python wrapper to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine and qt |
pdfminer.six | |
pdfplumber | Plumb a PDF for detailed information about each char, rectangle, and line. |
pdfrw | |
pexpect | |
pickleshare | |
Pillow | |
pkgutil-resolve-name | |
platformdirs | |
plotly | |
plotnine | |
pluggy | |
pooch | |
preshed | |
priority | |
proglog | |
prometheus-client | |
prompt-toolkit | |
pronouncing | |
psutil | |
ptyprocess | |
pure-eval | |
py | |
PyAudio | |
pycountry | |
pycparser | |
pycryptodome | |
pydantic | |
pydot | |
pydub | |
pydyf | |
Pygments | |
PyGObject | |
pygraphviz | |
pylog | |
pyluach | |
pymc3 | |
PyMuPDF | Python bindings for the PDF toolkit and renderer MuPDF |
PyNaCl | Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library |
pypandoc | Thin wrapper for pandoc. |
pyparsing | |
PyPDF2 | |
pyphen | |
pyproj | |
pyprover | |
pyshp | |
pyswisseph | |
pytesseract | |
pytest | |
pyth3 | |
python-apt | |
python-dateutil | |
python-docx | |
python-dotenv | |
python-multipart | |
python-pptx | |
pyttsx3 | |
pytz | |
PyWavelets | |
pyxlsb | |
PyYAML | |
pyzbar | |
pyzmq | |
qrcode | |
rarfile | |
rasterio | |
rdflib | |
referencing | |
regex | |
reportlab | |
requests | |
requests-unixsocket | |
resampy | |
rpds-py | |
scikit-image | |
scikit-learn | |
scipy | |
seaborn | |
semver | |
Send2Trash | |
sentencepiece | |
shap | |
Shapely | |
six | |
slicer | |
smart-open | |
sniffio | |
snuggs | |
sortedcontainers | Sorted Containers -- Sorted List, Sorted Dict, Sorted Set |
SoundFile | |
soupsieve | |
spacy | |
spacy-legacy | |
SpeechRecognition | |
srsly | |
stack-data | |
starlette | |
statsmodels | |
svglib | |
svgwrite | |
sympy | |
tables | |
tabula | |
tabulate | |
tenacity | |
terminado | |
text-unidecode | |
textblob | |
textract | |
Theano-PyMC | |
thinc | |
threadpoolctl | |
tifffile | |
tinycss2 | |
toml | |
tomli | |
toolz | |
torch | |
torchaudio | |
torchtext | |
torchvision | |
tornado | |
tqdm | |
traitlets | |
trimesh | |
typer | |
typing-extensions | |
tzlocal | |
ujson | |
unattended-upgrades | |
urllib3 | |
uvicorn | |
uvloop | |
Wand | |
wasabi | |
watchfiles | |
wcwidth | |
weasyprint | WeasyPrint is a smart solution helping web developers to create PDF documents. It turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous statistical reports, invoices, tickets… |
webencodings | Character encoding aliases for legacy web content |
websockets | |
Werkzeug | |
wheel | |
widgetsnbextension | |
wordcloud | |
wrapt | |
xarray | |
xlrd | |
XlsxWriter | |
xlwt | |
xmltodict | |
yarl | |
zipp | Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files |
zope.event | Very basic event publishing system |
zope.interface | Interfaces for Python |
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